We grew up together. Matured together. We'd seen each other from a kid and slowly to a woman, ugly ducking to a swan.
I think the 4 of us even developed a 2R picture of it and put in our wallets.

We both look really different. Especially Sab.
I hope she doesn't kill me.

Once a while, she would give me love letter like this. This was written in poly though.
And it was in Chinese!

She probably drew this during chinese lesson.

The first birthday gift she made for me.
I'm sure everyone has their neo-print craze.

Our Prom Night. We look totally AWFUL.

The first kiss she gave me. I think. On my 17th birthday.

Remember we used to keep singing until both of us sing the same song together at the same time?
And we would see when we bring the same winnie the pooh tissue pack design and call that day our friendship day?
It was so silly.

I love calling her 'yian hian' when everyone else call her 'sabrina'.
That's before that stupid elmo (her oh-so-sweet boyfriend) comes along.

When we got into poly. We thought we could be in the same class.

This stupid man ruined it. Remember how we used to curse and swear him?

We studied during poly together. We would stay over each other's house.
But i always ended up sleeping.
OMG. We joined this Yamaha competition.
I was seriously thinking if i should post this.
Our Ad-like picture.

We went to Camp together. And we tried to wear matching tops.
Her 18th birthday. We were introduced to alcohol together.

My 18th birthday.
And she made this for me which made me cry.
During SIP.

Our first halloween night!
Once a while, she'll send me pictures like this asking me if what she wore was alright.

When i snipped my hair short, she went with me.
We went to the zoo together.

She love taking and drawing unglam pictures of me.

Went flyers together.

We've always been in the same school until now. You went SMU and me, SIM.
We were both rather upset that we cant be in the same school anymore.
And you'll blame me for not studying hard.
BUT NOW..............
You hate SMU so much and you're going to quit and come SIM!
Not that i'm encouraging you or anything.
But neither i'm stopping you!

I think we're really fated to stay with each other.

If i had only 1 friend left, i want it to be you.
(Ps: Don't go to school tomorrow please!)